5 Ways of Setting Fitness Goal And Actually Achieving Them

Setting up a fitness goal can be motivating when you’re looking for building the body of your dreams or say a lifestyle of your choice. But achieving these goals can be quite a lot challenging. So, in order to achieve these goals, effective planning prior to working on them is essential. The planning that you set must be practical and doable on regular basis. So just with some consistency, your goals would be easily accomplished. Here are few ways that could help you in the prior planning and ultimately achieve your fitness goals whether if it’s weight loss, muscles building or just a part of your healthy lifestyle.

1. Assess your current body and lifestyle

Before you start your fitness journey, it is necessary to understand what your current conditions are, so later you could track your progress.
1. Body wise: Measure your current weight, height, BMI, dimensions of your limbs, waists etc., body fat percentage etc. Also take a note of your health conditions like BP, diabetes or any sort of physical limitation.
2. Fitness capability wise: Note your current stamina, endurance, strength, mobility, flexibility etc. by time tracking your workout or consulting a professional.
3. Lifestyle: Observe your current lifestyle. Evaluate your daily sleep cycle, diet plan, water intake, rest, morning routine etc.

2. Put up SMART goals

Set SMART fitness goals:
1. Specific: Be more specific about what you want to achieve. For example: instead of saying “I want to workout in the evening”, say something like “I want to run on treadmill at 5:00 for 1hrs” something more specific.,
2. Measurable: Make sure your goals have measurable outcomes. for example: try losing 20 kgs or do 100 kg leg press.
3. Achievable: Set realistic goals that can be carried out. Setting unrealistic goals will make you inconsistent.
4. Relevant: Choose goals that matter to you and align it with your health objective on a long run.
5. Time-bound: Set a timeline for your goal. Add a deadline and check the progress at the end of the timr frame.

3. Break down your goals into smaller chunks

Seeing a huge number of goals all at once can be a bit intimidating and it might make you feel a bit overwhelmed. So in order to avoid that, it is necessary to break down the tasks into smaller easily achievable micro goals. This helps you to stay motivated achieving tiny tasks while also keeping you consisted seeing yourself being able to complete your goals.

4. Make yourself a detailed plan

Make a scheduled workout plan for your fitness journey that may include:
1. workout routine: Set a daily goal, amount of time duration you want to set aside for this in a day including the types of workout you’re planning to do whether be it cardio, strength training or flexibility/mobility exercises.
2. diet plans: Track your calorie intake and establish a nutritional balance including proteins and healthy fats in your diet.

5. Tracking your progress

If you consistently workout and fulfill you daily nutritional goals along with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, after a few days, you might notice some changes. Keeping track of this progress and seeing your self get better everyday will help you stay motivated and consistently maintain a healthy lifestyle in a regular basis. You could either use a journal or fitness apps in order to track your progress. This also helps you identify areas where you could improve yourself to get better everyday.

Achieving your fitness goals is a rewarding journey but the only thing is that it requires is a consistent hard work with a very effective planning. It may sound overwhelming and be a bit difficult in the beginning but once you start doing it regularly, things get easier once you get more used to it. This may lead you to step out of your comfort zone, but remember! if you’re actually willing to achieve something, You need to step out of your comfort zone and every step forward is progress, and every effort you make brings you closer to your ultimate goal. so stay committed to your goals and know that you’ve got this!

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