Self-Care Sunday: 5 Ways You can Nurture Your Mind, Body, and Soul

These days Self-Care Sunday is one of the most Trending hashtag. It is a day specifically designed for nurturing your mind, body and soul once, every week. In our busy lives with our daily hectic schedules, setting a time aside for self care is crucial for maintaining balance. This also boosts your overall wellbeing and reduces stress. Whether if it’s indulging yourself into your favorite hobby, or meditating or pampering yourself with a spa like experience at home, Self-Care rituals will help you start a fresh week the coming week. Here are some ways that will make your Sundays Blissful:

1. Meditation

Begin your Self-Care Sunday by grounding yourself to the present. Start your day with meditation. You may choose whatever way to tune your blissful day whether be it deep breathing exercises, simply preparing a tea for yourself, or any sort of meditative activities that will forbid you from worrying about anything. This few minutes of stillness living in the moment will help you reduce anxiety, improve focus and help you set a positive calm mindset for the day.
Directions: Try sitting in a quite and serene place, keeping your back straight, closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. Now, Every time your mind wanders, bring back your focus to your breathe. Set a timer to 10 minutes and practice this exercise. You can practice this on a daily basis. This simple exercise calms you down and brings you a sense of clarity.

2. Exercise

Physical movement is one of the best ways of lifting your mood. It doesn’t have to be intense yoga. A simple therapeutic yoga session or slight walking or a simple fun dance can work like wonders to lift your energy levels. Exercising releases endorphins, reduces stress, and improves your overall well being:

Directions: Choose a form of exercise that you would like to do. Options could be, dancing, walking, yoga or slight stretches. Aim to workout for 20 to 30 minutes at least. If you prefer you could follow long a You tube Video or any sort of online classes.

3. Body Nourishment

Nourishing your body is one of the most important factors of Self-Care. Try cooking varieties of recipes on this Sunday and make sure it’s healthy and super delicious. This cooking experience is therapeutic and also delicious healthy food lifts up your mood like nothing else. Consider trying new recipes from online as well as prepping meals for the week or simply savoring a balanced, mindful Breakfast.

Directions: Try starting your day with a healthy green smoothie and a bowl of yogurt and fruits. Enjoy the experience of preparing them. If you are not interested in fruit bowls, you could also try making yourself a bowl of salad, made out of whole grains, fresh vegetables, lean proteins like fish or meat with a drizzle of your favorite dressing. Eating well is one of the most direct ways of Self-Care.

4. Detox Your Mind

Mindlessly scrolling through videos or Feeds cause overstimulation which causes stress, anxiety and comparison traps. Use this Self-Care Sunday to cut you off some slack from this phone and unnecessary screentime. Use this day as opportunity to unplug and reconnect with yourself.

Directions: Designate a no screen zone in your living place. Turn off the Wi-Fi and turn on the flight mode. Read the book that you’ve always wanted to. You could make this time productive by journaling or preparing your week ahead. You could also use this time to reflect on yourself and setting intentions to doing something great every week.

5. Pamper Yourself

Self-Care is about pampering your body as well as nurturing your mind by engaging yourself in activities that light you up. You can pamper yourself by setting up a spa like environment at home. This will help you relax and rejuvenate your body and mind. Draw a warm bath with Epsom salt and essential oils, light some fragrant candles and play soothing music. You can also try face masks, body scrubs or even simple foot bath your elevate your therapeutic experience.

Directions: Set up a DIY facial using your favorite skincare products. Start with cleansing, then exfoliate, apply a mask and finish off with a hydrating moisturizer. This ritual will leave you fresh and rejuvenated glowing inside and outside.


Self-Care Sunday is a time that your prioritize yourself in a world that often demands so much. Setting aside a day in a week to nurture your mind, body and soul not only recharges you for the week, but also you will be investing in your overall well-being and building resilience against the stresses of daily life. Remember, self-care isn’t selfish—it is essential. So, give yourself permission to slow down, recharge, and take care of you. You deserve it!

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