Gut Health 101: 5 Foods to Add to your Daily Regimen For a Healthy Microbiome

Maintaining a good gut health is quite essential for a person’s overall wellbeing whether it comes to maintain a good health, have a better immunity or have better mood and mental health. The key to this robust gut is the diverse microbiomes that live in our gut and nourish our body helping the digestive process go smoothly. Incorporating certain foods in your daily regimen, you can help your body make these good bacteria that are super beneficial for your gut . Here are 5 foods you should consider adding to your diet to support healthy microbiome:

1. Yogurt

Yogurt is one of the renowned probiotic that people use to keep their gut health in track. The live cultures such as Lactobacillus and Bifibacterium, can help boost the overall gut health improving your digestion.


i. Promotes Digestion: The probiotics present in the yogurt help breaking down milk proteins and other fats and nutrients, making the digestion quick and way smoother.
ii. Boosts Immunity: If yogurt is consumed on daily basis, the gut barriers are strengthened which ultimately causes the increasing production of antibodies that protects the body and hence improves immunity.
iii. Supports Weight Management: Probiotics in Yogurt helps in regulating appetite and reducing inflammation hence helping in weight management.


i. Eat a tiny bowl(about 30 to 50g) of plane unsweetened yogurt after lunch and dinner.
ii. You can enjoy Yogurt in breakfast and snacks as a salad adding fruits with honey or vegetables with black salt.

2. Bananas

Bananas not only are convenient snack; they are also rich in prebiotics, which are non-digestible fibers that nourish the good bacteria in your intestines. Not just that, It particularly has a high inulin content, a type of prebiotic fiber that supports a healthy gut bacteria.


i. Nourishes Gut Bacteria: Prebiotics in bananas help the beneficial bacteria thrive by feeding them.
ii. Supports Digestion: Bananas have a very high fiber content, as a result, it aids in regular bowel movements and therefore prevents constipation.
iii. Provides Nutrients: Bananas are a good source of potassium and vitamin C including other vitamins and minerals.


i. Enjoy Banana as dessert or portable snack that are quick.
ii. Enjoy them in morning cereals and smoothies.

3. Garlic

Garlic is a potent source of prebiotics which can also be a flavorful addition to many dishes. It contains inulin and fructooligosaccharides, which promote the growth of good gut bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli.


i. Boosts Immune Function: Garlic helps protect the body against harmful bacteria and infections as it has antimicrobial properties.
ii. Supports Heart Health: It contributes to cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing blood pressure .
iii. Enhances Gut Health: The prebiotic in garlic feeds the micro bacteria in the gut which increases their population and enhances digestive properties.


i. Add fresh garlic to your vegetable curries, meat, sauces and soups.
ii. Roast garlic and use it as a spread on your wholegrain bread.

4. Oats

Oats, a type of healthy breakfast chosen by many, is a type of food that provides a good amount of fiber including Beta-glucan, which acts as a prebiotic to feed gut bacteria. This type of fiber helps in smooth digestion and supports the growth of microbiomes.


i. Regulates Digestion: The high amount of fiber present in oats helps breaking down of food process aiding for a good digestion preventing constipation.
ii. Supports Heart Health: Oats reduces the chances of you getting a heart disease by reducing your cholesterol levels.
iii. Stabilizes Blood Sugar: Oats is one of the best choice for people with diabetes as it helps regulate blood sugar levels.


i. Eat it as breakfast or snacks incorporating fruits and nuts.\
ii. You can cook and prepare oats with veggies for more nutritional values.

5. Leafy Greens

Not just fibers, leafy greens are also rich in vitamins and minerals, that specifically aid healthy microbiomes of the gut and maintain a smooth digestion. Some common leafy greens may include, spinach, kale, mustard greens, cabbage etc.


i. Provides Essential Nutrients: Leafy greens are a great source of iron and minerals as well as they are rich in vitamin K, C, A and folates.
ii. Supports Digestion: The fiber in these greens promote a healthy digestive track and regulating poop schedule.
iii. Enhances Gut Health: Some of the leaafy greens contain sulfur compounds that feed the bacteria of the intestines.


i. You can enjoy them in your salads and soups and curries.
ii. You can add them to your breakfast smoothies.


By adding these foods in your daily regimen, you can nourish the good bacteria in your gut that help you boost your digestion and improve your immunity. Including these 5 foods as a regular part of your daily diet, you will aid the development of balanced and diverse microbiome.

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