How to Navigate Eating Out: 7 Healthy Choices at Restaurants

Eating out is a part of life whether you go out on a special occasion, you’re on a business meeting or you just don’t want to cook that day. Whatsoever , it can be challenging when you’re willing to eat healthy but you have to eat outside in restaurants. But with the right strategies, you can eat without derailing your health goals. Hera are 7 healthy choices that you can make, which will help you navigate eating out.

1. Start with a Salad

  • Why It’s Healthy: So before you order your main dish, a bowl of salad will help you filkl up on fibre, vitamins and minerals. This helps you eating less of more calorie dense foods later.
  • Tips: When you order your salad, order one that consists of varieties if vegetables, lean proteins like chicken or tofu, and a light vinegar dressing. Avoid creamy dressings, croutons and bacon bits which can add unnecessary calories and fat.

2. Choose Grilled, Not Fried

  • Why It’s Healthy: Not only does grilling allow natural flavors of the food to shine, grilled options are much lower in calories and fat compared to the fried ones.
  • Tips: Look for menu items that are grilled, roasted or baked. Some common healthy choices include grilled chicken, fish or vegetables.

3. Watch your Portions

  • Why It’s Healthy: Restaurant portions are often larger that what you would generally portion for yourself at home. Eating large portions can cause overeating and consuming more calories that you anticipated.
  • Tips: Consider asking your friend to take half portion of your food. Also you could ask for a to-go box when your meal arrives and eat it later when you feel like.

4. Go for Whole Grains

  • Why It’s Healthy: Whole grains not only make you feel fuller, they are also a great source of fiber and nutrient as compared to refined fats.
  • Tips: Order whole grain foods like quinoa, barley, wheat pasta or brown rice. Many restaurants provide you these options instead of the white rice or refined pasta.

5. Load Up on Vegetables

  • Why It’s Healthy: Vegetables contain a high amount of vitamins, minerals and fibers and the plus point is, it is low in calorie. It helps you feel satisfied without overloading into high calorie foods.
  • Tips: Look for Veggies based dishes or side dishes. You can ask for extra veggies or customize your order, asking them to replace high calorie options like mashed potatoes or fries with veggies.

6. Be Smart About Sauces and Dressings

  • Why It’s Healthy: Sauces are the hidden sources of sugar and fats that raise your calorie intake without you knowing.
  • Tips: Ask for dressings and sauces separately so you could keep the track of how much you will take it. Go for healthy choices like olive oil drizzle, salsa, lemon juice etc. instead of creamy , sugary dressings.

7. Drink Wisely

  • Why It’s Healthy: Drinks can have significant amount of calorie to your meal without you knowing and this won’t even make you feel full. These sugary drinks spike up your blood sugar and lead to cravings.
  • Tips: Drink the usual plain water, unsweetened tea or sparkling water. Even if you go for a drink, drink light beer and wines but in moderations.


Just because you’re eating out doesn’t mean you don’t get to have healthy choices. It’s all about balance and moderation and by making mindful choices and choosing nutritious options, you can enjoy dining out while still staying on track. Next time you visit a restaurant, use these tips to guide to to opt for healthier choices. Bon appétit!

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